Saturday, July 31, 2010

Rejoining the Blogging World

This is the longest I have ever gone without blogging - just haven't been in the mood. Sorry to our out-of-town family, which would be all of you. My short term memory resembles that of Dori on Finding Nemo, but thanks to my obsession with taking pictures I can tell you a little of what we have done the last two months:
trip to Bauman Farms with Aunt Ellie, finished helping Nana move, celebrated G-Bass' 60th birthday, Eugene was accepted into the teaching license program and is currently taking 2 classes, chilled at home for Father's Day, enjoyed a super fun weekend with the Price family and the Blair's (and enjoyed being around someone who shares my strange obsession with cloth diapering), trip to the Gilbert House, lots of playing in water in the sun, a fun visit from Grandpa Terry including feeding the ducks and a trip to Toys-R-Us, Abby's first fireworks, picked strawberries and made way too much jam (anyone want some?), Christmas in July with the Bass family, camping with the Price's and a trip to the Wildlife Safari village, a day trip to Detroit Lake with my fam and forgot to bring my camera (insert gasp of horror), took Abby to the doc for a blistery bottom, made some more fun cakes and decided fondant is too much work, picked some blueberries and am now in the midst of learning what it is like to parent during a fearful, defiant and somewhat sleepless stage wondering who kidnapped my nearly perfect little bundle of joy.
Here are a few pics from our recent adventures:
ok, so I'm too lazy to move them all down here so you already saw them in backwards order :)

1 comment:

Tara at Padded Tush Stats said...

Welcome back! She is growing up so fast!