Friday, June 4, 2010

I'm such a nerd!

So, today I attended an all-day seminar on HR law and I loved it - never got bored. I think there might be something wrong with me! Anyway, Tuesday night we returned from a week in CA; here are some highlights:

Abby was loved on by both Grandma Sharon and baby Kristi, but very jealous of Grandma loving on baby Kristi! I think next trip I need to talk about Grandma having other granddaughters before we go. But, that didn't stop Kristi from loving on Abby!

Isn't she just adorable? Look at those little toes!

Abby received another birthday part and just loved it. She is still singing herself Happy Birthday. Grandma Dorothy made this really cool cake with a moving train going around! Abby loved it.

Opening her "mail"

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