Friday, August 13, 2010

Professor Edwards

I didn't write this in my last post because I thought it deserved one of its own. A couple weeks ago we got a phone call from Eugene's math professor asking if he would be willing to teach a class this fall at Corban - how cool is that?! And for so many reasons. What an honor to be called and asked to teach when you didn't even apply for a job; it speaks to the amazing math wizness (I know that's not a word) of my husband. It's a foot in the door, a great addition to the resume and a little extra cash as we are trying to save for a car. And all unexpectedly. I am proud of and excited for Eugene!


A & K Finch said...

Well done Eugene!! Wow now we have to bow down to you!!! ;) Seriously though congratulations! So thankful that God opened this door for you three!!!

Also, thanks for the congratulations. It feels good to do well on that course when I felt like I was struggling.

Sarah said...

That's awesome, congratulations!

taraspapa said...

Professor Edwards...has a great ring to it!