Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Fall Wrap Up

Well, blogger is acting up again and I cannot get the pictures to rearrange, so I will do this in backwards order. Here is a quick summary of our fall:

At Grandpa Great's birthday - aren't these two the cutest!

Abby made handprint turkey cards with me for Thanksgiving. I love that she is getting old enough to start "crafting"! And if you did not get a card, please do not be offended. Her attention span lasted for 4 cards. The purple scribbles you see on the orange turkey are writing. She is now into pretending to write things, make "lists", ect. Just don't ask me what it says.

Eugene hosted another amazing Lumberjack Games event. Seeing as all our normal babysitters were either at the event or putting their own children to bed, I let Abby stay up and go to the first part. I did not want to miss seeing the fruit of Eugene's labor. During the wrestling match Abby started clapping and cheering with the crowd. I then put her on my shoulders and she was waving her arms and shouting - so funny! I don't think she had a clue what was going on other than everyone else was screaming and cheering, too!

One of Eugene's RA's is a big Laker's fan (I am a little surprised he made the team!). I came home from work to find these pumpkins on our doorstep. Last night in the cafeteria he was trying to get Abby to say "Go, Lakers!" That boy better watch out or he may just get himself fired!
We have the most beautiful trees in the Davidson parking lot - they just glow when the sun hits them in the fall!

Abby has always been my little "helper" in the kitchen, but it is getting more fun as she is actually able to do some things now. We had a blast this fall.

trying to blow up a balloon she earned at the Church Carnival. Before attending I was trying to explain that a carnival is where you play games and get candy. Abby paused, looked at me a bit puzzled and asked, "we have to go potty?" She usually only gets candy for going potty in the toilette - I love how toddler minds think!

Despite what might appear from this picture, we had fun at a pumpkin patch! The rest of the pics are posted on my facebook page.

Helping me make applesauce

We love applesauce in this house, and I usually run out about half way through the year. I am normally not picky, but if you grow up on homemade, you just cannot eat the storebought. So, I just kept buying apples and ended up going through about 120 lbs! Now I need to find a place to store it all (not behind my couch where it currently sits)

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