Thursday, November 4, 2010

Have you seen my husband?

He is thought to be roaming the upper gym fields and taking frequent trips to Lowe's, may be wearing flannel, a camouflauge hat with a built-in headlamp, is probably covered in mud and hay and may have a math book in his back pocket. I think he was kidnapped by these students who call themselves Lumberjacks:
There are a few times a year that residence life keeps Eugene working from dawn to dusk. Preparing for the Lumberjack games has become one of those times, however between being an RD, taking two classes and teaching one, I have not seen him much this whole semester. That is I haven't seen his face. I often spot the back of his head poking out from a text book. He was asked to teach another math class this spring, but turned it down. I am proud that he was asked to teach again and a little sad he had to turn it down, but I am even more proud that I married someone who knows how to say, "No" and prioritize our family time.

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