Monday, November 12, 2012

A little catch-up

 I love to watch these two interact.  Although the jealousy has definitely kicked in, Abby still loves being big sister, reading to her brother, telling him what to do, dressing up as prince and princess and giving him lots of kisses.  And, the way Eli lights up and screeches when he sees his sister just melts this momma's heart.

 and now to try to get them to both smile at the camera . . .
 one looking
 both looking
 second smiling, first one lost
 good enough!
 We had a fun visit from Grandpa Terry, complete with cupcake making with Abby and snuggles with Elijah

My little princess all decked out for the church Halloween carnival.

 Eli has a fascination with Apples.  Needless to say, he was thrilled when it was applesauce weekend!

I love the girly touch Abby adds to this men's dorm.

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