Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day

Elijah has been having some tummy troubles, so yesterday was filled with lots of this:

 Which also made for lots of awake time.  As much as I feel bad for the little guy, it was kind of fun having him more awake and was also fun when my parents stopped by on their way through Salem.

 We decided to celebrate Valentine's Day with a special dinner at home.  However, being spoiled by the cafeteria and having a newborn, I did not want to cook.  Eugene got us a Stouffer's lasagna and french bread and then he made Gulliver's corn.  He also came home with a rose for both Abby and I.  We both thought that was pretty cool!  Abby and I made up some cookie dough that Aunt Cyndi had sent down and we had fun decorating our table.  We talked about Saint Valentine and celebrating God's love for us to which Abby responded by quoting her memory verse from Cubby's last week "We ought to love one another.  1 John 4:11".  I am continually impressed with the connections this girl makes!
 Elijah even joined us for dinner :)  Poor little guy kept getting more and more stomach cramps and finally threw up late last night.  We let him sleep back in our room (he had previously been evicted to the kitchen since he is such a noisy sleeper!).  He grunted and groaned most of the night until Eugene finally gave up on sleep and brought him into bed.  Sleeping on his tummy on top of Eugene usually helps him feel better - poor little fellow.  He is acting much better today, so it's back to the kitchen for him tonight - we are tired!

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