Tuesday night Abby was having some internal plumbing issues and therefore woke up in the middle of the night. I've been getting spoiled these last few months since she started (mostly) consistently sleeping through the night around the end of February. Normally when she has a midnight wake-up she will then sleep in. But, not this morning as she loudly announced at 6:30, "I awake!" Our morning went mostly as usual - snuggles with a cartoon, breakfast, playing with blocks, getting ready for work when Abby burst into the bathroom, declared that she wanted to wear Elmo big girl underwear and promptly went potty in her little toilette. I fight back my frustration that she knows how to go potty in the toilette when she wants yet usually refuses, trying to remind myself she is not even 2 yet and I need to have patience. I help her finish, wash hands, and honor my promise to let her wear Elmo big girl underwear whenever she goes potty in the toilette yet having no internal faith that she will keep them dry and since we are headed out the door to work I quickly stash some rags in the diaper bag for anticipated clean-up.
At work we are both tired and grumpy. I remind her a gazillion times that she needs to keep Elmo dry. I'm checking e-mails with Abby on my lap begging to play "ABCDIT" (her word for an alphabet website game she likes) over and over and over when I realize I'm having trouble seeing. We go into the bathroom to wash my glasses and I show Abby the duck potty seat reminding her again that she needs to tell me when it's potty time. I go back to my computer, Abby still on my lap repeating "ABCDIT!" and trying to grab my mouse when I realize it wasn't my glasses but those silly hormones that haven't gone back to normal even though it's been almost 2 years since I was pregnant. Limited vision for me means bad headache coming within about 45 seconds. Just then I feel warm liquid filling my lap. I jump up trying not to get too mad and the assistant director comes in asking me to help with a potential new hire. With wet thighs I let her know I'm going home and will be back in a bit. I throw a diaper on Abby, head home, change clothes, go back to work and manage to squeeze about an hour of work in before heading back home for lunch.
While eating lunch, more annoying hormones and I start feeling really nauseous (no, I'm not pregnant). Just as we are finishing lunch Abby spills her juice all over herself and the floor. I change her into outfit #3, clean up the floor, empty and re-load the dishwasher, snuggle and read a book, down for a nap. I head back to work for 2 hours and return just in time for Abby to wake up.
After naptime we hang with Daddy for a few minutes, chop up some apples and put them on the stove for applesauce, bake a loaf of banana bread, start 2 loads of laundry, realize that now I am also really dizzy, play with blocks, have relay races in the lobby, cook dinner. After cleaning up from dinner, bread, and apples I lay down on the floor to play with Abby only to find my head still spinning and thinking I really need to make an appt with the OBGYN. So we play with some more blocks for a few minutes before Abby's plumbing finally clears. Change diaper, get ready for a friends birthday party and head out the door. Thinking that we will just pop over to my friends house for about 30 minutes and come back since we are all really tired and not in the mood to be very social, we then arrive to discover (unknown since communication was done via both spouses) this is a full blown big party and we can't just slip out. There are friends present we haven't seen in years, so I awkwardly try to be as polite as possible. We finally sneak away, coming home late and hoping to put Abby right to bed I realize I didn't put 2nd load of laundry in the dryer which had all Abby's blankets. I'm grumpy and snapping at Eugene, find some spare blankets, change Abby, read books, down for bed! I'm still snapping at Eugene even though he started another load of laundry and helped finish cleaning the kitchen. I put the apples through the sieve, start a load of diapers, fold laundry and sit down to work for an hour and make up for the missed time this morning due to potty training. Finish work, apologize to Eugene, start to blog and realize our memory card reader is missing so no pictures, get tired and finally head to bed about midnight only to be woken up again in about 3 hours - apparently all systems are still not cleared. I need to go buy prunes.
Thanks to my lovely husband who despite my bitter attitude let me stay in bed for a bit this morning while he got up with Abby.
Depression & Anxiety
5 years ago
You know what's funny? You probably wrote that post feeling down on yourself and I read it only thinking about how much of an amazing mom you are. To wake up at 6:30am after a midnight waking would be tough! Then, you manage to make homemade applesauce, plus you take your daughter to work (and that is SO much harder than it sounds, I get that now). You don't let your frustrations get to you and you snuggle with her. You read to her. You do laundry (1.5 loads is still a huge accomplishment). You are just so amazing. I hope I can be more like you!
thanks for the encouragement - I'm surprised anyone actually read the post :)
I always read!
Hope you have a great weekend celebrating your birthday! We can all have our grouchy days....mine is turning into a week by now!!! Happy early birthday to you and Abby!!! =) Enjoy this weekend. God has given you a brand new day!
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