Saturday, February 11, 2012


Elijah Wayne Edwards
Born January 20, 2012
7lb 2oz, 18 in, fully loved

Proud big sister

I am really bummed that these are the only Mommy/Daddy hospital pics we have. Guess we just were not thinking straight.
I was surprised that after just a few days Elijah no longer wanted swaddled. However this little man still loves to be warm. We put him to bed with a hat, mittens and socks under his jammies.It is such a blessing to have a baby that takes naps! He also nurses well, so this mama is feeling a little spoiled :)
He still has the newborn bug-eyed look!
He did not cry for his first bath at home! OK, so this kid just does not cry much, partly because he is hardly awake enough. He is so chill it is amazing. How many baby boys fall asleep during their circumcision? According to our doctor he is only the second one in 15 years!
Elijah likes to be held, and we like to hold him!
We brought out the swing a couple days ago and Elijah seems to like it. I think we have been blessed with another happy baby. I started seeing the first hints of a smile at about a week and I do not care what anyone says, I think some of them are responsive and not just gas. He has even laughed in his sleep a few times and I have 2 grandma's as witnesses!

And now, everyone asks how the big sister is adjusting. So far, she is doing great! Other than crying at bedtime every night because she doesn't get to share her room with anyone and wanting to ride in the stroller, there has not been much jealousy.
Abby has taken her role as big sister very seriously. She is very, very protective of him and gives him lots of kisses.
I think my little girl grew 20 lbs overnight! She has never felt big to me, but now that I have a wee little one, she seems huge at times!
She's keepin' her cool!
Abby was never interested much in baby dolls until I was pregnant. Now her dolls get diaper changes, swaddled, fed, stroller rides and rocked in the swing.
Today, Daddy took Abby to get some new shoes. I love that Eugene has a job that allows him to be so involved in our children's lives.

1 comment:

Tiffany Trainer said...

Sounds like a pretty happy guy! Blair was an easy baby like that. Reid is a little more high maintenance ... It looks like you don't have a double stroller. If you are looking into one, I suggest the Kolcraft Contours Options Tandem II. We absolutely love it! There are so many configurations and room to grow for the kids! You can see it here (and at $190 that's an amazing price for it!):